Tuesday, June 30, 2015


11 ROOM OF ABJURATION. The door to the room is marked by a black circle:

Four candelabras with tall blue candles are in each corner of the room, but they are not lit. On the floor is a bastard sword, a horn, and an arrow.

Magic does not work in this room and all magic items will act as though mundane. The Watcher in the Walls will not enter this room. The anti-magic effect will cancel the effects of altered or created objects from Rooms 2 and 3. It also cancels enchantments from Room 7, but does not reverse possession occurring in Room 10. It will counteract magical curses and nullify magical benefits caused by spells, magic items, or granted by magical beings. At the Dungeon Master's discretion, those benefits or disadvantages may reappear upon exiting the room.

When the room is exited, magic items will regain their powers. Sentient magic items, such as magic swords, will greatly desire to avoid this room in the future.

The sword is Das Dolorum, a Neutral Evil bastard sword + 2, gold dragon slayer (Intelligence 16, Ego 20)
  • Special purpose is to slay good
  • Special purpose power is fear, for 1-4 rounds
  • X-ray vision, 4” range - 2 times/day 1 turn per use
  • Telepathy, 6” range - 2 times/day
  • Determine directions and depth - 2 times/day
  • Detect evil/good in a 1” radius
  • Can read the common language and maps
  • Can speak the common language
  • Can speak with dragons and like creatures (dragon turtle, dragonne, etc.)
Das Dolorum will immediately attempt to dominate its possessor and slay the party the moment it is taken out of the room and it regains its horrid sentience. Use the rules on pages 167 to 168 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for explanations about conflicts between a magic sword and its holder. 

The horn is a horn of bubbles, and the arrow is an arrow +1.

Monday, June 29, 2015


10 ROOM OF POSSESSION. The door to this room is decorated with this symbol:

A yellow crystal throne is near the east wall, huge as if sized for a giant. In front of it is green stone table holding yellow crystals. The ceiling gives off a golden glow. There are no windows.

The throne is a method of communicating with the consciousnesses of the beings whose minds are imprisoned within the yellow crystals. It is a dangerous tool, because it allows the imprisoned minds to attempt one magic jar to attempt to gain control of the seated questioner. Naturally a mind blank or scroll of protection from possession will cause the magic jar to fail.

The person sitting on the chair need only concentrate on one of the crystals (selecting it to focus on out of the group is enough). The mind in the crystal gets one attempt to magic jar and if it succeeds it trades consciousness with the questioner's body, with the seated one's mind now going into the crystal. If it fails, the person in the throne may ask questions of the crystals and they are compelled to answer. If one of the entities does possess an adventurer, the way to reverse the process is to force the possessed body to sit back on the throne and look at a crystal.

There are six crystals, in order from left to right they hold the minds of the following:

Zehardy of Lockwood
A troll
Gambrelli Stonehand
A rust monster
Callismus Mabingion

1. Zehardy of Lockwood, Chaotic Evil male half-elf Thief (T6; I 11, W 9, Ch 13)

Thief skills: PP 65%, OL 47% F/RT 45% MS 47% HS 42% HN 20% CW 92% RL 30%

Zehardy is as ruthless as he is greedy. If he succeeds in possessing a subject he may run away with his new body or try to deceive that he is the possessed person if he thinks he can get away with it. He has been in the crystal for the last 40 years.

2. Troll (Intelligence 6)

This troll has been in the crystal for about 10 years. If it wins a new body, it will fearlessly attack. It would prefer to bite and claw, but should that prove ineffective, it will resort to using a weapon.

3. Gambrelli Stonehand, Lawful Good female mountain dwarf Fighter (F7; I 10, W 13, Ch 11)

Gambrelli has been trapped for 2 years, her body was possessed when she sat on the throne. If she has succeeded in possessing a good person, she will allow herself to be put back in the crystal, but beg the party to help her find her real body.

4. Palatinate, a very old male spell-casting blue dragon (Intelligence 12)

First Level Magic User Spells:
Feather Fall, Nystul's Magic Aura, Push

Second Level Magic User Spells:
Levitate, Magic Mouth, Web

Third Level Magic User Spells:

Palatinate was captured and put in the crystal about 75 years ago. He is aching for a chance to be free but hates the thought of possessing a human. As is common to dragons, he considers himself to be superior to humans and other beings in every way.

5. Rust Monster (Intelligence 1)

If this rust monster succeeds in possessing a character it will attempt to lick, chew, and swallow pieces of metal, possibly with dangerous consequences for the possessed body.

6. Callismus Mabingion, Lawful Evil male human magic-user (MU 5; I 17, W 10, Ch 15)

First Level Magic User Spells:
Magic Missile, Sleep

Second Level Magic User Spells:

Callismus has been imprisoned for about 6 years. He has already used some of his spell slots and those he has above are the only ones he has left. He is very intelligent and if he succeeds in possessing a body he will do anything to avoid being placed back into the crystal. He will certainly try to deceive the party into believing he is the possessed character if he thinks he can pull it off. If he does, he will later try to do away with any troublesome adventurers.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


9G CAVERN. This room holds the huge bloated body of the dragon, which fills about half the room. Rasnec keeps a hoard of 46900 gold mabans.


9F PROPHET OF THE CAVE. As this cave is approached, the party will notice the worked stone of the corridor gives way to bare rock. This cave has a height varying between nine and seventeen feet. The room is lit by impressive looking torches which burn without consuming fuel. At the opposite end from the entrance is the large head of the prophetic dragon, sticking through the entrance to Room 9G.

Rasnec The Prophet, Neutral very old unique dragon (AC 0; MV 1”; HD 20; hp 140; #AT 1 bite; D 4-40; SA Breath weapon, magic use, fear aura; SD Detect hidden or invisible creatures within 7”, saving throw bonus; Size L; XP 22000)

Rasnec wears a huge mask made of bronze which covers the hole leading to Room 9G, giving the impression that it is mounted on the wall. Rasnec will immediately know all magic items belonging to and dweomers placed upon a visitor if he or she has visited Room 9C. He will also know the alignment of a visitor if he or she has visited Room 9E. He can choose to speak or may use a form of telepathy that will allow him to communicate with anyone or anything that possesses sentience.

If given 100 gold mabans (they may be placed upon the floor), Rasnec will go into a trance and answer one question posed to him. The answer will be truthful and as accurate as the Dungeon Master wishes or is able to make it. The visitor may then leave.

Rasnec doesn't like to be annoyed. If he is attacked or otherwise discomforted, he will attack with his breath weapon, a blast of fire that will fill all of Room 9F and extend to the wall of force. Like other dragons, the breath weapon does damage equal to his hit points, half if a save is made. It can be used thrice per day. He can also bite (requiring him to take off his mask) or use one each of the following magic effects once per round as if he were a 20th level magic-user: charm person, ESP, and fear. Once per day he can cast cone of cold, feeblemind, and disintegrate. His neck is long, like a snake and can extend to anywhere in Room 9F, or it can be retracted into Room 9G.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


9E ROOM OF MANY STATUES. As the room descends, the four gargoyles in this room will make their presence known. They are not native to the Dusk Realm, but wandered over here from the Castle. Their presence causes the Chaotic Evil statue (see below) to react strongly if they are near it.

4 Gargoyles (AC 5; MV 9”/15”; HD 4+4; hp 25, 17, 18, 27; #AT 2 claws, 1 horn, and 1 tail; D 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4; SD Magic weapon to hit; XP 290, 250, 255, 300)

Eight additional statues are arranged about the room:

Lawful Good: A maiden in plate armor with shield and sword. The statue is carved from white marble.

Neutral Good: A blue statue of a bald man in a robe, barefoot and without weapons.

Chaotic Good: A green statue of a beautiful winged woman with a bow and a quiver full of arrows.

Chaotic Neutral: A multi-colored statue of a frog-faced slaad.

Chaotic Evil: A black statue of a demon, choose randomly among Types I to VI.

Neutral Evil: A purple statue of humanoid figure enshrouded by a cloak, insect-like mandibles project from the otherwise obscured facial area.

Lawful Evil: A red statue of a handsome man in plate armor, holding a two-tined military fork.

Lawful Neutral: A pale gray statue of a figure in full plate armor holding a war hammer, head obscured by a stylized great helm.

Each statue will glow with its color if approached by individuals who possess the ethos they are aligned with. In the case of the black statue it will radiate a shroud of darkness. The strength of the reaction will depend on the dedication of the creature or item causing the reaction (faint, moderate, strong, or overwhelming). If the room is left and revisited later, the chaotically aligned statues will have altered position. In the case of the Chaotic Evil statue, it will have changed form to another type of demon.

Friday, June 26, 2015


9D ROOM OF THE GRAY STATUE. This thirty foot square room holds a single gray statue of a bearded man in a cloak and holding a staff, facing the entrance to the room. This is the statue of neutrality. If the center of the room is approached, the entire grayed in area will sink like an elevator to become part of Room 9E, which is located about fifteen feet below 9D.


9C ROOM OF MAGIC SIGNS. This room is not illuminated. On the floor are the nine signs of the types of magic (alteration, abjuration, etc.) Adventurers traveling from Area 9B will arrive in the center Conjuration/Summoning sign. As each sign is approached it will detect magic belonging to its type, causing a glow that will vary based on the strength of the magic being used (dim, faint, moderate, strong, very strong, or intense).

Upper Left
Upper Mid
Upper Right
Left Mid
Right Mid
Lower Left
Lower Mid
Lower Right

The Conjuration/Summoning sign will wait one turn, then anyone stepping on it will be transported back to 9B.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


9B PORTAL. A large eight foot diameter thaumaturgic triangle is carved on the floor. Anyone who steps in it is summoned to Room 9C, which is located about a mile deeper within the Dusk Realm's stratum than Area 9B.


9A TRIFURCATION. At this point the passage branches. Above the archway to the front is the phrase: “A hundred pieces of the dwarves' good gold is my fee for the answer to your heart's desire.” A special permanent wall of force blocks the passage under the arch. It will allow individuals to pass who have at least 100 gold mabans and who have never come this way before. It only allows one person to enter at a time. This restriction extends to the mind of the person, not the body, so possession of others is not an end-around. Callismus Mabingion from Room 10 has already visited the prophet, so he will be unable to enter here.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


9 ROOM OF DIVINATION. In the center of the room stands a large rectangular pillar, with a door on the east aspect. The ceiling radiates a golden light. The door to the north is decorated by black circle while the door to the south is decorated with a black pentagram inside of a sunburst. The archways to the north and east each have a bearded man's face carved into the keystones. There are no windows. The secret door on the east wall is apparent from this side as it's stone is a lighter shade of green. Moving a lever placed next to it will cause it to open or close.

On the door to the pillar is this symbol:

Inside the pillar is a hallway which obviously violates physics as it runs for several dozen feet. This is actually a portal to another dimension, the Dusk Realm. The stone beyond the portal is black and appears dry and flaky. Ceiling height is ten feet in worked corridors and rooms.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


8 ROOM OF CONJURATION. The door to this room is decorated with a silver thaumaturgic triangle affixed to the wooden frame. If ripped off it would be worth 150 gold crescents.

The ceiling sheds eerie purple light. The stone floor has a large thaumaturgic triangle carved into it. Flanking the entry door are two metal black iron stands, each with clawed feet and holding a black iron bowl. The first bowl holds powdered silver (490 silver spanners worth) and the second bowl holds a strange green powder.

This is a system used for creating a gate, as the seventh level cleric or ninth level magic-user spell. The way this system is meant to be used is that the powdered silver is to be sprinkled around the circle to form a protective barrier, while a handful of the green powder is thrown into the center while the summoner calls out the name or type of the creature desired. When the green powder is cast there will be a flash of intense light and the named entity will appear. If no name is uttered, one of the following beings will respond:


Imp (AC 2; MV 6”/18”; HD 2+2; #AT 1 tail; D 1-4; SA Poison, magic use; SD Regenerate 1 hit point each round, magic or silver weapon to hit, immune to magical cold, fire and electricity, save versus spells as 7 HD creature; MR 25%; XP 275 + 3/hp)

Lemure (AC 7; MV 3”; HD 3; #AT 1; D 1-3; SD Regenerate 1 hit point each round, limited spell immunity; XP 65 +3/hp)

Manes (AC 7; MV 3”; HD 1; #AT 2 claws and 1 bite; D 1-2/1-2/1-4; SD Magic, cold-forged iron, or black iron weapon needed to hit, limited spell immunity; XP 18 + 1/hp)

Quasit (AC 2; MV 15”; HD 3; #AT 2 claws and 1 bite; D 1-2/1-2/1-4; SA Attack poison causes dexterity loss (1/hit), magic use; SD Regenerate 1 hit point each round, magic, cold iron, or black iron weapon to hit, immune to magical cold, fire and electricity, save versus spells as 7 HD creature; MR 25%; XP 325 + 3/hp)

Unless the ring of silver has been placed down, the summoned entity has the option to attack. If bound by the powdered silver, the being can be forced to perform one service (relatively minor in scope, such as aiding in one combat) or answer one question, to the best of its ability. Semi-intelligent entities will not have much to say. Other resources, such as employing the protection from evil and cacodemon spells, having a larva to barter with, or possessing a demon's amulet or devil's talisman may aid the successful conclusion of such a summoning.

All of the usual rules pertaining to these entities are in effect. Relevant rules can be found in the Monster Manual (pages 16, 20, and 37 under DEMON, DEVIL, and ELEMENTAL), the Player's Handbook (page 53 Gate spell), and the Dungeon Master's Guide (page 43 Gate spell explanation). Naturally, the Dungeon Master may include or exclude any other planar beings in order to fit his or her milieu.

If the adventurers leave this room and reenter, any powder left on the floor will have vanished. There is enough green powder for nine uses, and enough powdered silver for seven. It takes 70 gold crescents worth of powdered silver to make a ring, and if the adventurers try to scoop it up, they should be able to recover at least 60 gold crescents worth after a summoning (this takes a bit less than a turn). The magical effects of the green powder are limited to this room only.

Monday, June 22, 2015


7 ROOM OF ENCHANTMENT. The door to this room is marked by the following brass symbol:

This room holds five potted fruit trees. The walls are dull green stone and the ceiling emits light that is exactly the same as bright moonlight. There are no windows.

The trees are magic and each bears 1 unusual fruit.

Blue diamondfruit
Green cloverfruit
Orange starfruit
Pink heartfruit
Yellow moonfruit

The blue diamondfruit is an octahedron (like an 8-sided die) with the color of sapphire. Those who consume the blue diamondfruit must make a saving throw versus spells. If it is successful, they will experience a windfall of 1d100+400 gold crescents in value over the next week. Those who fail the saving throw will suffer a loss of 1d100+400 gold crescents, possibly resulting in debt. The fruit has a taste similar to blueberries. Its seeds (1d4+4 per fruit) are actually tiny nuggets of gold, worth 1d6 gold crescents each. If the seeds are planted, they will grow miniature trees that will produce a tiny sapphire worth 100 gold crescents base value.

The green cloverfruit tree bears green fruit resembling apples, but instead of having a spherical shape, it consists of four equal sized lobes. Eating green cloverfruit calls for a saving throw versus spells. Those who fail will suffer as if they carry a stone of weight for 1d4+3 days, while those who succeed will thrive as if they held a stone of good luck for 1d4+3 days.

Orange starfruit resembles normal starfruit (carambola), but has a rich orange color instead of the green or yellow green associated with that fruit. Those who consume it must save versus spells at -2 or they will suffer from confusion for 1d6+4 rounds. Confused individuals will react as follows:

Die Roll
Wander away for 1 turn
Stand confused for 1 round
Attack nearest creature for 1 round
Act as though they were somewhere else, for example at a king's court, at an inn carousing, or perhaps at home having a bath, per Dungeon Master discretion

The affected character must make an additional saving throw at -2 each round, unless they are caused to "wander away for 1 turn" in which case they will go as far away from the room as is possible in one turn of normal movement, as conditions permit. Confused persons act according to the table of actions shown above, but saving throws and actions are checked at the beginning of each round.

If the character makes his or her saving throw, they will receive a strong sense of purpose and that they know exactly the right way to proceed. The affected character and anyone with him or her will not be subject to random encounter rolls for the next 12 hours. Furthermore, they will have an uncanny sixth sense for the same length of time, spotting secret doors or concealed doors on a 4 in 6 chance just by passing by, or a 7 in 8 chance if actively searching.

Pink heartfruit is magenta in color and has the characteristic shape of a 'romantic' heart, not a body organ. It tastes like stewed turnips, oddly. Consuming the fruit causes an effect identical to that of having the first level magic-user spell friends cast on them, but the duration will be 1d4 days. Note that in this case, it is not the one who eats the fruit who makes the saving throw, but instead everyone who encounters them.

Yellow moonfruit is crescent-shaped with the color, taste, and consistency of banana. Eating it immediately causes deep sleep (except for elves and half-elves who have their normal resistance) and calls for a saving throw versus spells. Those who succeed in their saving throw will experience pleasant dreams and awake within one hour, completely refreshed (full hit points). Those who fail will experience horrific nightmares and will lose 1d4 points of constitution, which can be regained naturally at the rate of 1 per day.

The benefits or ill effects of each fruit will only be received by the first person taking a bite. The trees enjoy water through a system of pipes and drains fed into their pots from below. The trees can be removed from the room by force, but will wither and die without bearing any more fruit within 1d4 days. The fruits may also be taken from the room, but begin rotting and lose potency after 1d6+6 hours.

If the room is left and reentered at a later date (at least one day of separation), there is a 10% chance for each tree that it has grown a replacement fruit, if one has been eaten. Each can only grow up to one fruit at a time.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


6 ROOM OF ILLUSION/ PHANTASM. The door to this room is made of a strange green marble veined in purple. It is marked by this symbol in dark purple outlined with gold:
The gold is real and worth 75 gold crescents if dug out somehow. A dagger will suffice to perform this chore.

When entered this room always appears different. Roll below:

Room Appearance
A tavern
A different room in the castle
Inside of a tent
A forest
Underwater coral reef
A desert
A room set up like a birthday party
A cavern
A roc's nest on a mountain-top
On the back of an enormous turtle
A graveyard
On top of a giant eyeball

If a party visits more than a dozen times just make up more. There is always ambient light in the room. No matter what the room looks like it will always have 11 inhabitants. These might look like pieces of furniture, stalagmites, or standard inhabitants of the locale. They are actually the heads of a demi-shadow hydra.

Demi-Shadow Hydra of 11 Heads (AC 5 (or 8); MV 9”; HD 11; hp 33 (3 for each head); #AT 11 bites; D 1d10 (or 1d4) X 11; SA 1-4 attacks on same opponent; SD All heads must be killed to slay; XP 1703)

The heads might look like monsters, in which case they will try to bite normally. If they look like something else, like men, they will form jaws from a portion of their substance and attack with that. It will not be obvious that the separate parts join together to form a body, unless the observer can see through illusions. Each person must save versus spells each time the room is entered to attempt to disbelieve, even if they have previously successfully disbelieved on a prior visit to the room. If they make their saving throw and disbelieve they will be able to treat the demi-shadow hydra as it truly is, only quasi-real. It will have an AC of 8 and do 1d4 damage.

There is a 40% chance that the demi-shadow hydra will remember that it is not supposed to attack anyone wearing a silver robe with blue comets on it. It cannot leave the room or it will vanish.

If the demi-shadow hydra is vanquished, the room will revert to its true form, with green stone walls, ceiling, and floor. A waterfall is against the north wall. There are no windows. The ceiling is green and gives off an eerie glow that is enough to see by.

Written above the waterfall is the phrase “Seeing is believing”. The water of the waterfall appears from somewhere behind the north wall about six feet off the floor, falls about five feet and disappears before it hits the ground. The effect of the water fall is similar to, but not exactly the same as, a legend lore or identify spell. Any item placed behind the waterfall will reveal something about its nature. A mundane item may reveal where it was made or the name of its creator. An animal or person may reveal where it was born, who its parents were, or its alignment. Invisible, polymorphed, or illusory things will appear as they actually are. Magic items may reveal their use or number of charges. The exact effect is left to Dungeon Master fiat. The knowledge about the item will be obvious by sight or be implanted into the mind of the observers.

The waterfall may be used three times before the water temporarily disappears for 12 hours. The room will remain inert during this time before reverting to its attack form.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


5 MOON ROOM. The door to this room is marked by a white crescent moon.

The walls are not made of green stone. Instead they are flat black and marked by small square-like indentations. The ceiling is black with hundreds of white spots that give off light, mimicking the effect of a night sky. The atmosphere is slightly misty and smells pleasant, as the smell of rain just as it begins to fall. The door to the south is not decorated from this side, but the door to the east is decorated with another crescent moon.

Two large fans are hidden in the west wall, and if the east door is opened, they will start blowing air violently. The individual who opened the east door and anyone immediately adjacent to this position must save vs petrification or be blown out and fall about twenty feet (2d6 damage) onto the flat topped wall that joins the Inner and Outer Wards. Having hit this wall, there is a 4 in 6 chance that they will bounce off it and fall another fifty feet or so and land in the river rushing towards the waterfall (see Outer Ward Ground Floor Room 68), causing another 1d6 damage from impact on the water.

Those inside the room but not near the door must also save vs petrification or suffer 1d6 damage from a violent collision with the east wall. Very large creatures get a bonus to their saving throws based on size. Ogre-sized creatures are at +4 to save, for example, and hill giant-sized creatures are immune to the wind.

Anyone attempting to look out of or attempt rescue from the east door position is also subject to a saving throw to avoid facing the same fate.

If the east door is closed, the fans will stop.

Friday, June 19, 2015


4 ROOM OF NECROMANCY. The stone door to this room is decorated with a black iron skull design in high relief. 

It swings open easily and noiselessly at the slightest pressure. This room is bone-chillingly cold and quiet as a tomb. There are no windows and no sources of light. Instead, adventurers will find that they are able to see as though everything is in negative (black things will appear white, white things will appear black, everything else is a shade of gray). In each corner of the room is a animated skeleton (whose bones will appear black, naturally).

4 Augmented Skeletons (AC 6; MV 12"; HD 3; hp 22 each; #AT 1; D Black iron scimitar; SD Sharp weapons score half damage only, limited spell immunity; XP 116 each)

They each hold a black iron scimitar and round shield with a skull device. Therefore, these items will appear bright white. Due to this room's otherworldly connection, the skeletons may only be turned or otherwise affected by clerics and paladins as though they were 'special' type undead. They will attack anyone not wearing a silver robe with blue comets on it.

In the center of the room is a round four foot diameter well, with a three foot 'lip'. By any reckoning this should not exist on an upper story of this building. The orifice emits a death stench. Written upon the lip are the words “The voice of the pit is the voice of death”

Once per day, per individual, any spellcaster may speak with the dead (similar to the third level cleric spell) from this site, merely by attempting to do so. Use the characters own level to determine the maximum time dead of the questioned, the time allotment, and the number of questions allowed. The remains of the deceased need not be present and any dead person can be contacted, as this pit is a direct conduit to the underworld. The pit does not exist entirely in this reality and if characters try to climb down it they will slowly freeze to death. Falling down the pit is invariably fatal.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


3 ROOM OF EVOCATION. The door to this room is decorated with this symbol:

A two-foot high green marble table is in the center of the room. The ceiling is made of an unusual white material and gives off light equivalent to daylight. There are no windows.

Written on the table is the words “One creates from nothing” and the same symbol as above, indicating evocation.

In this room it is possible to create something literally out of nothing. The room allows an individual to create a non-living item on the stone table. Only normal, inanimate things can be created, not golems, magic items, living things, or the like. However, it is possible to create energy, such as fire, light, electricity, or even noise. Any physical object created must be able to fit on the table, which is six feet long by four feet wide. The Dungeon Master has the right to limit the worth of items. For example, a limit of up to 100 gold crescent value for precious metals, gems, or other items created is suggested. Treasures created in this fashion are not earned and therefore do not contribute to experience points.

The chance of successfully creating an item is equal to one's intelligence added to one's level in percentile. Clerics gain an extra +5% to their roll, druids and magic-users +10%, and illusionists +15%. If the roll is failed, the item will still be created but will have fatal flaw, potentially making it useless or dangerous based on the Dungeon Master's assessment. If it is energy, there is a 50% chance it will rebound on the creator, causing damage based on the Dungeon Master's assessment and how badly the character failed the roll. Material items created last forever or until a dispel magic is cast upon them, in which case they use the creator's level to resist the spell. Items created will radiate evocation type magic.

It takes one turn to create an item. Afterwards, the individual is mentally and emotionally drained and must rest another 1d4 turns, during which time no walking, fighting, spell-casting, etc. can be accomplished. The stone table can be used up to three times in a 12 hour period.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


2 ROOM OF ALTERATION. In the center of the room is a pedestal supporting a glowing green stone statue of woman with butterfly wings. The ceiling is decorated by a soothing alternating pattern of rainbow colored light which is adequate to see by. The secret door on the west wall is obvious from this side as it is a lighter shade of green and opens with a lever placed against the wall next to it. There are no windows. The archways to the north and south have a bearded man's face carved into the keystones. The door to the north is decorated by a white crescent moon while the door to the south is decorated with the symbol for Evocation (see Room 3).

The statue lacks a mouth, nose, or ears, but does have dozens of closed eyes placed irregularly on the front of the head, including where the mouth and nose should be. It faces west and holds a large metal tray in front of it. Below the statue is the inscription “Change is the only constant” and this symbol:

If anything is placed on the statue's tray, the eyes will open and an change will overcome the object over the course of exactly one turn. Roll below on the following tables: 

Table I Type of Change

Complexity or type
Value or life
Color or age
Edibility or beauty

Table II Extent of Change

Much less
Somewhat less
Somewhat more
Much more

These tables require interpretation and consideration by the Dungeon Master. For Table I, the Dungeon Master should choose which attribute is easier to resolve for the item in question. The statue will not make items of campaign-breaking worth or quality (artifacts, relics, etc.) Magic items and living things are entitled to a saving throw to avoid metamorphosis. The statue will only work three times in a 12 hour period. After the third time it will stop glowing until it recharges itself. Items changed will radiate alteration type magic. 

Complexity: An object will either become more simple or more complex. For example, a living thing that becomes more complex may be more evolved. An object that becomes less complex is reduced to its base components. 

Type: The object becomes a new kind of thing, but related in some way to what it was. For example, a flute may become a clarinet or a drum. 

Value: The object's worth is changed. For example a gem may increase or decrease by a base value. 

Life: An object becomes alive or if dead, is brought back to life, or un-life depending upon the second roll. Living objects might be healed, harmed (maimed, diseased, etc.), become undead, or experience reincarnation based upon the Dungeon Master's interpretation of the dice. 

Color: Choose any color or color combination by Dungeon Master's whim. 

Age: Object will get younger or older. Older objects may break more easily or be spoiled. 

Edibility: For some reason, objects may become able to be consumed, or not. For example, fire that gains the property of edibility can now be eaten without the consumer becoming burnt. 

Beauty: Subjectively, the object will become more or less attractive. This may not actually affect its value, however.

Here is an example of how to use the tables. 

Example: A dagger +1 is placed on the tray and fails its saving throw. A '2' is rolled for Table I and a '3' is rolled for Table II. The Dungeon Master decides the Table I result refers to value and the Table II result makes it somewhat less valuable. It is now a magic dagger, but only +1 to hit and not to damage or it could be a magic dagger, but only +1 versus creatures that are smaller than man-sized.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015



FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 9”
HIT DICE: 10 (50 hit points)
% IN LAIR: 100%
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Magic weapons needed to hit, limited spell immunity
SAVE: Magic-user 10
SIZE: S (2' wide by 1½' high)

The Watcher In the Walls is a mysterious guardian which moves about on the surfaces of the strange green rock walls of the Fourth and Fifth Floors of the East Tower in the Inner Ward of Castle Triskelion.

It appears as a red-pupiled eye which drifts along the face of the walls. It distorts reality, as wall features such as windows will slide aside as it passes by. It can move through doorways and squeeze through secret doors with ease. To attack, the Watcher can project a bolt of searing red light once per round to a range of up to 6”, which does 1d12 damage.

The Watcher is immune to forms of attack which affect the mind, such as charm, sleep, hold, and similar spells. Magic weapons are required to hit it. If destroyed the Watcher fades away, leaving no trace that it once existed on the wall. It can move only on this green rock surface, so it cannot chase those who flee away from the Fourth or Fifth Floors of the East Tower.

There is always only ever one Watcher. If destroyed, it will be reborn in Room 7 of the Fifth Floor.