Saturday, October 1, 2016


Wand of Three Virtues (any spellcaster or thief): This wand can be employed in 3 separate functions which have the following effects:

  • Polymorphing: The wand emits a green beam with a range of 6”. If this beam touches any creature, it must make its saving throw versus wands (success indicating a miss) or be polymorphed (similar to a polymorph other spell). The wand wielder may transform the victim into one of three shapes only: a beautiful human princess, an ogre, or a change only the head into that of an animal (or the animals body in the case of most invertebrates without true heads). This function requires three segments and drains one charge.

  • Illusion: The wand emits an invisible beam with a range of 14”. If this beam touches any creature, it must make its saving throw vs wands (success indicating a miss) or be placed under an illusion (visual, auditory, and tactile components). Willing creatures may fail the saving throw on purpose. The illusion may take one of three forms only, that of a beautiful human princess, an ogre, or a goat. This function requires three segments and drains one charge.

  • Enchanted Slumber: The wand emits a splash of sand, capable of targeting one creature up to 3” away. If this sand touches any creature, it must make its saving throw vs wands (success indicating a miss) or be placed under an enchanted slumber. Those resistant or immune to sleep (elves, undead, etc.) maintain their normal resistance. Victims of enchanted slumber will remain asleep until kissed on the mouth. This function requires four segments and drains two charge.

The wand may not be recharged

XP VALUE: 8,000

GP VALUE: 40,000

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