Monday, August 31, 2015


34 THE FEARSOME FOUNTAIN. A grand throne of black stone is placed against each of the east and west walls, while a black marble fountain is near the south wall.

The thrones are each unbearably cold and coated with a slimy black grease. Merely sitting in one of them causes 1d2 damage per round.

The fountain is decorated with the statue of a satyr with a grotesque leering face. In one hand it holds a pearl of wisdom (looks like a purple pearl worth about 1000 gold crescents). In the other it holds a metal flask from which thick viscous black oil pours into the fountain.

If the fountain is approached, an animated but featureless humanoid statue made of black ice will coalesce from the grease on each throne and attack.

2 Black Ice Statues (AC 2; MV 9”; HD 3+4; hp 16 each; #AT 1 fist; D 1d8+1 damage; SD Immune to sleep, charm, hold, poison, paralysis, cold, takes double damage from fire-based attacks; Size M; XP 141 each)

If the pearl is retrieved the satyr will animate and attack. It has no pipes but is otherwise like any other satyr, except for an alignment of chaotic evil.

Dark Satyr (AC 5; MV 18”; HD 5; hp 20; #AT 1 head butt; D 2d4; SD Surprised only on a 1; MR 50%; XP 380)

The oil is useful for burning oil (as a weapon) or as lamp oil and there is enough to fill two hundred flasks.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


33 DOOR TRAP. Behind the door is a grotesque stone face set in relief. Its gaping mouth will spit a jet of scalding steam for 1d8+4 damage (save vs dragon breath for half damage).

Saturday, August 29, 2015


32 THE MIST. The room is filled with a clinging black smoke or mist. Sight is limited in a way similar to a darkness spell (-4 on 'to hit' rolls). Anyone traversing the room will be attacked by three shadows.

3 Shadows (AC 7; MV 12”; HD 3+3; hp 15, 11, 10; #AT 1; D 2-5; SA Strength drain; SD Magic weapon to hit, limited spell immunity; XP 315, 299, 295)

The mist will actually attach itself to the characters. It is actually particles of matter and may be counteracted by a gust of wind or similar effect. Magical sources of light (light spell, magic sword, etc.) are only somewhat effective and will not dispel the mist, although they will allow characters to see the shadows attacking them (only -2 on 'to hit' rolls). Non-magical sources of light, the native ability to see in the dark possessed by many demi-humans and humanoids, and infravision spells are not effective. The shadows can see perfectly well and suffer no penalty.

The statues in the corners of the room are identical to the one in Room 28, but have garnets for eyes instead of rubies (100 gold crescents per stone).

After exiting the room, the clinging mist will slowly flake off and drift away, leaving greasy black spots where it lands.

Friday, August 28, 2015


31 MASTER AND SERVANT. The air in this room is so cold that characters will be able to see their breath. The room has an aroma that is sickly sweet. This is the domain of a wight and its half-strength servant.

Wight (AC 5; MV 12”; HD 4+3; hp 21; #AT 1; D 1-4; SA Energy drain; SD Silver or magic weapons to hit, limited spell immunity; XP 385)

Half Strength Wight (AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2+2; hp 12; #AT 1; D 1-4; SA Energy drain; SD Silver or magic weapons to hit, limited spell immunity; XP 141)

The energy drain effect of the lesser wight can be resisted with a saving throw versus death magic.

The room is decorated with bizarre and nigh incomprehensible devices of sinister design made from a dull black metal and carved gray wood. A bed of nails is in the northeast corner, and a huge black iron box is against the north wall, sandwiched between a smoking coal brazier and an iron maiden. Dried, flaking blood attests to these instruments of torture having been used in the past. The iron box holds 324 gold crescents and four vials of exotic perfume (amber in color) worth 50 gold crescents each.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


30 STAIRS. These stairs descend twenty five feet to Level 2 of the Upper Dungeons, Area 18.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


29 A WATERY REST. Three large bronze cisterns shaped like coffins are placed against the north wall and an equal number are against the south wall. Each measures seven feet in diameter and is about eight feet high. Each contains murky brine and a lacedon.

6 Lacedons (AC 6; MV 9"; HD 2; hp 15, 13, 12, 9, 7, 6; #AT 2 claws, 1 bite; D 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA Paralysis; SD Limited spell immunity; XP 95, 91, 89, 83, 79, 77)

An iron-bound chest is against the east wall, enticing adventurers to investigate.

If the chest is approached or the cisterns are examined closely, a lacedon will jump from each and try cut off the party's retreat, paralyze them, and gobble them up.

The chest is locked and trapped with a swinging blade trap (save vs paralyzation or take 1d6+2 damage). It holds 125 silver spanners and eight silver goblets worth 15 gold crescents each.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


28 THE CAGE. In the center of this room is a twenty foot square cage which extends to the ceiling height of fifteen feet. The bars of the cage are made of the long bones of some huge creature. A small door, also made of sculpted bone is in the north face of the cage. The floor of the cage is littered with human bones and a huge statue of a demonic-visaged humanoid with red eyes is in the center.

If anyone breaches the cage by force, the skeletons will immediately animate and attack, but if the cage door is opened using the key from Area 6A, they will remain at rest.

21 Skeletons (AC 7; MV 12"; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D 1-6; SD Sharp weapons score half damage only, limited spell immunity; XP 19 each)

The eyes of the statue are rubies (3500 gold crescent value each).

Monday, August 24, 2015


27 LATRINE. This room has a ceiling height of eleven feet. A pump faucet offering cold water is in the south wall. There is a bucket and a mop. The xvarts shed their waste in a rough trench against the north wall, creating an awful odor.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


26 WICKED WANDA'S ROOM. Wicked Wanda, the xvart magic-user, has only recently appropriated this room for her own use. Before that it was a storage room and some of those items are still here.

Wanda uses a hammock to sleep in. There are three barrels of salted fish, a large crate holding smoked sausages, seven casks of small beer, and fourteen jugs of strong whiskey. All are in good condition and suitable for human fare.

Wanda hides her spell book under the crate, which causes one side to be unevenly raised. The spell book holds affect normal fires, erase, magic missile, read magic, and shield.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


25 LEADER'S QUARTERS. This is Wurge's room. The ceiling height is fourteen feet. A candelabra is lit with large black candles which give off a heavy and slightly sweet smoke. Under the bed is a wooden chest with 15 gold crescents, 935 silver spanners, 1142 copper pieces, and a red jasper statue of a bull worth 500 gold crescents.

Friday, August 21, 2015


24 XVART COMMON ROOM. Several xvarts are here. They are getting ready to join the party in Room 21. 

Tunards, Xvart Net-Bearer (AC 7; MV 6”; HD 2; hp 8; #AT 1; D Small sword for 1d4+1 or net; SA Net; XP 44) 

Tunards is tall and strong for an xvart, standing 4 feet. She can toss her weighted net up to twenty feet away. The net attack ignores the effect of normal armor, only dexterity bonuses and magic should be used to determine armor class. If she hits, the victim must save versus paralyzation or be treated as 'off balance' (+2 to be hit) and cannot attack, use spells requiring somatic components, etc. until the net is removed, which takes 1d3+1 rounds. 

2 Male Xvarts (AC 7; MV 6”; HD 1-1; hp 4, 2; #AT 1; D Small sword for 1d4+1; XP 14, 12) 

14 Female Xvarts (AC 7; MV 6”; HD 1-1; hp 7, 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 5, 1, 3, 1; #AT 1; D Small dagger for 1d3; XP 17, 11, 15, 14, 12, 13, 12, 14, 12, 15, 15, 11, 13, 11) 

Each xvart has 0-9 (1d10-1) copper pieces and 0-5 (1d6-1) silver crescents. 

This room has a ceiling height of eighteen feet. The whole room smells of damp and unwashed cloth doublets. There are dozens of unmade bunkbeds, some as high as four beds in a stack. The walls are decorated with paintings of bird-headed men, women, and children having picnics in a variety of improbable landscapes (in the desert, at the bottom of the sea, on a cloud island, in a volcano, etc.) 

The secret door in the north wall will open when one of the adjacent paintings is turned ninety degrees to the right.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


23 GIANT RAT KENNEL. Some xvarts are training giant rats here.

Wicked Wanda, Chaotic Evil female xvart Magic-User (AC 7; MV 6”; MU2; hp 6; #AT 1; D Small dagger for 1d3; SA Spell use; XP 108)

First Level Magic user Spells:
Magic Missile, Shield

She has 10 gold crescents, 9 silver spanners, 21 copper pieces, a small piece of crystal (useful for the read magic spell), and a scroll of the second level magic-user spell scare.

2 Xvarts (AC 7; MV 6”; HD 1-1; hp 4, 2; #AT 1; D Small sword for 1d4+1; XP 14, 12)

Each xvart has 0-9 (1d10-1) copper pieces and 0-5 (1d6-1) silver crescents.

6 Giant Rats (AC 7; MV 12"//6"; HD 1-4 hit points; hp 4, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4; #AT 1 bite; D 1-3; SA Disease; XP 11, 8, 10, 10, 10, 11)

A large bowl of moldy bread and another of water serve to supply the giant rats with victuals and refreshment.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


22 KITCHEN. The cook and his helper will investigate sounds of combat in Room 21. They each wear thick black leather aprons, giving them a slightly better armor class. Cookie is unusually large and stout for an xvart, having the same size and proportions as a dwarf.

Cookie the Xvart Cook (AC 6; MV 6”; HD 2; hp 8; #AT 1; D Heavy ladle (treat as club); XP 36) 11 gold crescents, 17 silver spanners, 7 copper pieces

Xvart Assistant Cook (AC 7; MV 6”; HD 1-1; hp 2; #AT 1; D Carving knife for 1d3; XP 12) 1 silver spanner, 6 copper pieces

An active fire pit is near the west wall. There is a small hole above in the ceiling which provides some ventilation. A pump faucet with working cold water is in the west wall, as is a large pile of firewood. A large metal table is against the south wall. Two deer carcasses hang from the rafters in the ceiling. Crates and baskets are piled in the southwest corner. A fourteen foot long pole is here, used to light the chandelier in Room 21.

A huge pot of piping hot venison and vegetable stew is on the fire pit.

The metal table holds cleavers, knives, and ladles and wooden spoons, forks, and bowls.

Four opened crates contain bread, potatoes, cabbage, and mushrooms, respectively. Seven decapitated rabbits are in one basket. Another holds seventy five red candles. There is also a barrel holding salted fish.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


21 MESS HALL. There is a dining table and large numbers of chairs, sized to fit xvarts. The xvart Leader is hosting a party for some brown ratkin visiting from the Rat Warrens.

Wurge, Xvart Leader (AC 7; MV 6”; HD 2; hp 11; #AT 1; D Short sword +1, cursed; XP 42)

Wurge stands 4½' tall, towering over the other xvarts. He has a big white 'X' painted on his forehead to remind the others that he is the boss. His sword is intelligent:

Stickler, Neutral short sword + 1, cursed (Intelligence 14, Ego 5)
  • Detect sloping passages in a 1” radius
  • Levitation, 1 turn duration, 3 times/day at 6th level of magic use ability
  • Can speak the common language

Graff, Brown Ratkin Ambassador (AC 6; MV 12”//6”; HD 2; hp 6; #AT 1 bite; D 1-4; SA Disease; XP 40)

Graff wears a purple vest to show he represents the Rat King. He has a gold medallion worth 700 gold crescents. He will avoid combat if at all possible.

2 Brown Ratkin Guards (AC 6; MV 12”//6”; HD 2; hp 11, 8; #AT 1 weapon or 1 bite; D Spear or 1-4; SA Disease; XP 50, 44)

These brown ratkin are wearing uniforms of red jackets and black belts.

11 Xvarts (AC 7; MV 6”; HD 1-1; hp 7, 2, 4, 7, 5, 5, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1; #AT 1; D Small sword for 1d4+1; XP 17, 12, 14, 17, 15, 15, 15, 16, 14, 13, 11)

Each xvart has 0-9 (1d10-1) copper pieces and 0-5 (1d6-1) silver crescents.

5 Giant Rats (AC 7; MV 12"//6"; HD 1-4 hit points; hp 3, 3, 3, 2, 2; #AT 1 bite; D 1-3; SA Disease; XP 10, 10, 10, 9, 9)

These giant rats have platters strapped to their backs. They have been trained to act as waiters, carrying food from Room 22.

This room carries the heavy aroma of pepper and venison stew. The ceiling height is eighteen feet and is supplied with rafters and a hanging chandelier, which is lit and shedding light.

On the table, in addition to the bowls of stew and wooden utensils, there is a red jasper statue of a horse worth 400 gold crescents, which is Wurge's gift to the Rat King.

Monday, August 17, 2015


20 DANK ROOM. The stairs leading to the room are only five feet down. The entire floor is covered with moisture and slime, making footing treacherous. The room has a ceiling that is twenty feet high. A single ochre jelly is hanging on the east wall above the entrance. It will attack the first character to enter the room.

Ochre Jelly (AC 8; MV 3”; HD 6; hp 23; #AT 1 touch; D 3-12; SD Lightning divides in half; XP 288)

Sunday, August 16, 2015


19 CAMPFIRE ROOM. The door to this room may be barred from the inside and the remains of a campfire are in the southeast corner. There is a small ventilation shaft in the nine-foot high ceiling, but it is barely adequate and and the air still smells smoky.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


18 ROOM OF THE CAULDRON. Two leaden zombies are here, their dull gray skin the color of tarnished lead.

2 Leaden Zombies (AC 6; MV 6"; HD 4; hp 17, 21; #AT 1; D 1-10; SA Always lose initiative; SD Limited spell immunity; XP 128, 144)

Leaden zombies can be turned as though they were wights and have the same immunities as normal zombies.

A large metallic cauldron (4' circumference) sits in the center of the room. If a corpse is placed within, it will become a leaden zombie. Anything else will turn to lead (magic items get a saving throw vs crushing blow). Living beings sticking a body part inside must save versus petrification or suffer 1d6 damage. Living things climbing in or being thrown in must save vs petrification or turn into a lead statue (normal animals like roaches and mice instinctively avoid it). The cauldron could be moved, but is made of lead and weighs 9000 gp weight.

Each time the room is re-entered, there will be a 50% chance that 1d4 new leaden zombies will be here, unless the cauldron has been removed or destroyed.

Friday, August 14, 2015


17 STATUES OF MALEVOLENCE. The north statue faces southwest and the south statue faces northeast (both face the center of the corridor). Each statue is a frowning bald man with a third eye in the center of the forehead. Touching the north statue gives a -1 on the next to hit roll or saving throw, or a -5% penalty on the next attempt to practice thief skills, bend bars/lift gates, etc. Touching the south statue drains d4+1 hit points. Each of these effects works but once per adventurer per week.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


16 STATUES OF BENIFICENCE. The north statue faces southwest and the south statue faces northeast (both face the center of the corridor). Each statue is a smiling bald man with a third eye in the center of the forehead. Touching the north statue gives a +1 on the next to hit roll or saving throw, or an extra +5% on the next attempt to practice thief skills, bend bars/lift gates, etc. Touching the south statue heals d4+1 points of damage, or prevents the next d4+1 damage. Each of these effects works but once per adventurer per week.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


15 GHOULISH MURALS. This room has a high ceiling at twenty feet. The walls are covered with murals depicting ghouls frolicking in gardens of bizarre and unwholesome looking plants. The secret door is actually behind a mural of a gray-green wooden door. Pressing on the “doorknob” releases a spring catch. The passage beyond leads to Rooms 12 and 13 of the Lower Level in the Outer Ward.

There is a 75% chance that 2-5 (1d4+1) ghouls will wander into this room while the adventurers are here. This is in addition to the normal random encounter check. Roll a 1d6. The ghouls will come from the west on a 1-3, from the secret door on a 4-5, and from the north on a 1.

Ghouls (AC 6; MV 9"; HD 2; hp 15, 6, 13, 9, 8; #AT 2 claws, 1 bite; D 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA Paralysis; SD Limited spell immunity; XP 95, 77, 91, 83, 81)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


14 VAULTED ROOM. A giant boring beetle has gathered together old furniture, pieces of wood from Room 13, and various pieces of animal and vegetable matter into a massive pile in the center of the room.

Giant Boring Beetle (AC 3; MV 6”; HD 5; hp 21; #AT 1 bite; D 5-20; XP 195)

The ceiling is vaulted to a height of seventeen feet at the apex. This site of festering corruption provides the molds, slimes, and fungi that the beetle feeds on. If a careful search is made, a human corpse with a pouch of 20 gold crescents and a potion of green dragon control (green and bubbly, smells like bleach and tastes of mint) can be found.

Monday, August 10, 2015


These wondrous statuettes come in two varieties, gold and ruby. The smallest are the pawns, which stand an inch in height. The kings are the largest at just under two inches in height. Each piece is expertly carved and appears extremely valuable based upon craftsmanship and materials alone.

When a piece is tossed to the ground and a command word is spoken, the statuette will become a real monster which will obey its owner. Pieces may be used to fight, as guards, or even to carry burdens. Pieces destroyed while in statuette form permanently lose all magic, but those slain while in animated form merely become a statuette once again, forced to remain dormant for a period based upon the value of the piece.

Piece Duration May be used Dormancy if slain XP VALUE GP VALUE
Pawn One hour Once per day One week 200 2000
Rook, Knight, or Bishop Three turns Every other day Two weeks 500 5000
Queen or King Two turns Every third day Three weeks 900 9000

There are only thirty two pieces in existence, equal to the number of real chess pieces (8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 1 queen, and 1 king for each of the ruby and gold forces). For higher quality pieces (rook, knight, and bishop) one of the pieces from each type will appear male and the other will appear female.

All the pieces are neutral in alignment but pieces of different colors can not coexist peacefully. Animated pieces of different types (gold vs ruby) will attack the opposite type in preference to other monsters, despite commands to the contrary. Any one attempting to obstruct this behavior will also be attacked.

Gold Pawn (AC 5; MV 6"; F2; hp 11; #AT 1; D Spear +1 to damage due to strength of 16; XP 68)
This piece appears as a headless humanoid figure with a surface of gold scale mail and carrying a normal-sized shield and spear. Gold pawns in the presence of their king or queen will attack as if they were fourth level fighters.

Ruby Pawn (AC 4; MV 6”; HD 2+1; hp 10; #AT 1; D Spear +1 to damage due to strength of 17; XP 65)
This piece appears as a crimson skinned eyeless lizard man armed with spear and shield. Ruby pawns in the presence of the ruby king or queen attack as though they were 4+1 hit die monsters.

Gold Rook (AC 5; MV 9”; F3; hp 17; #AT ½ or 1; D Heavy crossbow or short sword +1 to damage due to strength of 16; XP 153)
This piece has the form of a gold skinned human in gold chain mail equipped with a heavy crossbow and a short sword. Golden bolts magically appear loaded and ready to fire each round in its crossbow, so it can fire every round. After being spent (whether they hit the target or not), the bolts dissolve into golden liquid which quickly evaporates.

Ruby Rook (AC 5; MV 9”; HD 3; hp 16; #AT 1; D Great bow or broad sword +1 to damage due to strength of 17; XP 98)
The piece takes the shape of a red-furred gnoll. Its tongue is at least four times as large as it should be and hangs lolling from the mouth. Its great bow should be treated as a long bow that does +1 to damage if used in short range only. Red-feathered arrows magically appear within its hand. After discharge they turn to red light and fade away whether they hit their intended victim or not.

Gold Knight (AC 4; MV 6”; F4; hp 22; #AT 1; D Medium lance or long sword +1 to damage due to strength of 17; XP 200)
Gold Knight's Medium War Horse (AC 7; MV 18”; HD 2+2; hp 11; #AT 2 hoof thrusts and 1 bite; D 1-6/1-6/1-3; XP 68)
This piece becomes a human fighter in gold chain mail with normal shield, medium lance, and long sword, mounted on a yellow medium war horse. Its gold great helm completely obscures its features.

Ruby Knight (AC 4; MV 18”; HD 5; hp 23; #AT 2 hooves and 1 lance; D 1-6/1-6 and 2-24 +1 to damage due to strength of 17; XP 240)
The ruby knight is a scarlet skinned bald centaur armed with lance and normal shield.

Gold Bishop (AC 4; MV 6”; C5; hp 22; #AT 1; D Footman's mace; SA Spell use; XP 407)
This piece has the powers of a human cleric. It can affect undead as though it was aligned with good (turning or destroying). The piece is equipped with gold banded mail and a footman's mace. It can use the following clerical spell-like effects once each per activation: bless, chant, cure light wounds, dispel magic, find traps, light, and slow poison. These effects work as if the gold bishop was a fifth level cleric, but do not require spell components.

Ruby Bishop (AC 4; MV 6”; C5; hp 22; #AT 1; D Footman's flail; SA Spell use; XP 407)
This piece also appears as a human cleric but it affects undead as though it were aligned with evil. Any undead creature brought into a friendly status by the ruby bishop will revert to its normal behavior when the bishop returns to its statuette form. The piece is equipped with blood colored banded mail and a footman's flail. It is able to use the following spell-like effects once each time it is activated: bestow curse, cause light wounds, curse, darkness, resist fire, and snake charm. These act as reversed clerical spells, not requiring components.

Gold Queen (AC 4; MV 12”; F7/MU7; hp 28; #AT 3/2; D Long sword or dagger +1 to damage due to strength of 17; SA Spell use; SD Immune to special attacks of undead; XP 1105)
The gold queen appears as a stunningly beautiful gold-skinned half-elf fighter/magic-user wearing golden elfin chain armor and with normal shield. It is armed with a long sword and dagger and is immune to the special abilities of undead creatures, including level drain, strength drain, paralysis, etc. The gold queen automatically knows the location and type of other Plutar's chess pieces within 200 feet. It can use the following spell-like abilities once each time it is activated as if it was a seventh level magic-user, though it does not require the use of spell components: burning hands, detect magic, detect invisibility, ice storm, knock, lightning bolt, magic missile, mirror image, read magic, and slow.

Ruby Queen (AC 3; MV 24”; HD 9; hp 41; #AT 1; D Spetum; SA Touch drains 1 point of wisdom, spell use; 2192)
The ruby queen has the shape of a red skinned lamia wearing ornate crimson armor and carrying a spetum. Points of wisdom lost to the ruby queen are not permanently drained, but will be recovered at the rate of 1 per week.

Gold King (AC 3; MV 6”; F13; hp 62; #AT 2; D Two-handed sword +6 due to strength of 18/00; SD Immune to special attacks of undead; XP 3866)
The gold king appears as a human male in gold plate mail armor. Like the gold queen, it is immune to the special abilities of undead creatures. It can automatically detect the location and type of other Plutar's chess pieces within 500 feet.

Ruby King (AC 1; MV 12”/18”; HD 8+3; hp 39; #AT 1; D 5-10 or by long sword +4 due to strength of 18/76; SA Energy drain, charm; SD +1 or better weapon to hit, limited spell immunity; XP 4268)
The ruby king has the form of a vampire dressed all in red. Unlike as with normal vampires, levels drained by the piece will be recovered at the rate of one per week.

XP VALUE: See above

GP VALUE: See above


13 WOOD STORAGE. This room is completely filled with stacks of well-preserved firewood. Several of the stacks have been knocked over and some pieces of wood are scattered about the floor. Behind one of the stacks is the body of a gnoll wearing a yellow skull cap and a yellow vest. It suffered a mortal wound (mace to the ribs) and dragged itself back here to die. It has 8 gold crescents, 7 silver spanners, 16 copper pieces, and a gold 'pawn' chess piece. The chess piece is one of Plutar's prodigious chess pieces.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


12 LADDER. This ladder leads from Area 5 of The Sewers of the Inner Ward down to Area 12A on Level 2 of the Upper Dungeons. It is fifteen feet up and twenty feet down from this point.

Saturday, August 8, 2015


11 EXCAVATION. Two ghouls are here.

2 Ghouls (AC 6; MV 9"; HD 2; hp 6, 8; #AT 2 claws, 1 bite; D 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA Paralysis; SD Limited spell immunity; XP 77, 81)

This room appears to have been carved from the side of a corridor using crude tools or claws. The sinkhole is about four feet wide and leads down about twenty feet to Room 8 on Level 2. A thief may try to climb down, but others will probably need to secure a rope. The ghouls, of course, have no difficulty climbing up or down.

Friday, August 7, 2015


10 ROOM OF THE CARNIVORES. The keystone on the archway to the west is decorated with the head of a dire wolf on both the outside and inside. The keystone to the north is decorated with the head of a panther in the same fashion. A hole is in the south wall leading to The Rat Warrens Area B.

Thursday, August 6, 2015



FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 6”
% IN LAIR: Nil
SAVE: As non-intelligent monster
LEVEL/ X.P. VALUE: III/ 60 + 4/hp

Leaden zombies resemble normal zombies, except their skin has the dull gray color of tarnished lead. They are similar to the normal undead zombie, but are animated by means of a special cursed item, not by the power of a cleric or magic-user. They will not obey commands unless a roll on the MATRIX FOR CLERICS AFFECTING UNDEAD, indicates that an evil cleric has affected them successfully. Treat them as wights for the purpose of turning.

Leaden zombies are slow like normal zombies, always attacking last. They have the same resistance to sleep, charm, hold and cold-based spells. Holy water vials do 2-8 hit points of damage with a strike.


9 THE ENTOMBED. The ceiling height is twelve feet and the room is illuminated by a creepy gray chandelier throwing off a harsh pale light. The floor is loose earth and forty five human corpses are buried below with only their desiccated hands extending above. Three of these will animate as leaden zombies and will climb out from their imprisonment.

3 Leaden Zombies (AC 6; MV 6"; HD 4; hp 17, 11, 20; #AT 1; D 1-10; SA Always lose initiative; SD Limited spell immunity; XP 128, 104, 140)

The chandelier is cursed, and is the source of the zombies animation. Its glow can be extinguished by an exorcism, having its five candles snuffed out using holy water, or by any method which the party tries which the Dungeon Master agrees will work. Otherwise it will continue to animate 1d4 leaden zombies each time the room is entered until it runs out of corpses. The toughest zombie from the first group animated wears a belt of protection +1 (as a ring of the same name), but none of the others has anything of value.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


8 BONY BOWMAN AND CARPENTER'S CACHE. The door to this room is really a half door, or what is sometimes called a Dutch door, stable door, or double hung door. The top half is open while the bottom half is closed, allowing those outside to see into the dark interior of the room. A single augmented skeletal archer stands behind the door and will fire at those in the hallway.

Skeletal Archer (AC 7(3); MV 12"; HD 3; hp 20; #AT 1; D Long bow or short sword; SD Sharp weapons score half damage only, limited spell immunity; XP 125)

The half door gives it 50% cover, improving its armor class by 4. The skeleton has 10 bone arrows. Any arrow that misses its target will turn into a normal skeleton (and attack, probably from behind the party).

Arrow Skeleton (AC 7; MV 12"; HD 1; hp 7 each; #AT 1; D 1-6; SD Sharp weapons score half damage only, limited spell immunity; XP 21 each)

The archer's bow and sword are also made of bones and the bow string is finely strung tendon. These weapons will not detect as magic but are +1 to hit and do +1 to damage against undead opponents only.

Within the room, the west wall is lined by cubbies holding tools used by carpenters: rasps, files, hammers, nails, saws, and similar items. Two huge coils of wire are here. One is silver and worth 350 gold crescents. The other is copper and worth 35 gold crescents.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


7 LOCKSMITH AND ENGRAVER. The door to this room is equipped with a heavy lock, but it has been broken down by main force. A sturdy stool and a workbench are near the north wall and various metal implements are here, used for engraving and working on locks. Any thief or assassin will realize that among these items are cunningly made thieves tools which will allow a +10% chance to the pick locks skill. There is also a box of keys, none of which have been shaped yet. Hanging on a peg next to the door is the key to Room 59 of the Inner Ward First Floor. It has an eagle's head design which matches the lock to that room.

Monday, August 3, 2015


6 THE CLOSETS. This stretch of corridor is marked by eight flimsy wooden doors, each with a rusty iron handle.

6A CLOSET. Within this closet is a skeleton holding a silver key and a silver dagger. If either is reached for it will attack.

Skeleton (AC 7; MV 12"; HD 1; hp 5; #AT 1; D Silver dagger; SD Sharp weapons score half damage only, limited spell immunity; XP 19)

The silver key has an intrinsic value of ten gold crescents. It will open the cage in Room 28.

6B CLOSET. The walls of this closet are covered with innocuous but foul-looking shelf fungus. It is permanently animated with the equivalent to a druid's speak with plants spell, and very talkative.

6C CLOSET. Though the closet is empty, a hole in the north wall leads to the Inner Ward Rat Warrens Area H.

6D CLOSET. Fourteen normal spears. One has its shaft hollowed out, within is a tightly wrapped cleric scroll of cure light wounds.

6E CLOSET. Two xvarts are hiding out here. They were part of a scouting party that was decimated by monsters. They are resting before they make the trip back to Room 21.

2 Xvarts (AC 7; MV 6”; HD 1-1; hp 4, 3; #AT 1; D Small sword for 1d4+1; XP 14, 13)

Each xvart has 0-9 (1d10-1) copper pieces and 0-5 (1d6-1) silver crescents.

6F CLOSET. When opened a cloud of flies will burst from behind the door. They are disgusting, but harmless.

6G CLOSET. When opened a flood of salt water will swamp the characters, putting out a torch, but not a lantern, and leaving the party soaked and uncomfortable.

6H CLOSET. The ground is not stone but earth. There is a a pile of dirt, a small hole, and a spade.

6I CLOSET. This small room is equipped with a heavy crossbow trap. When the door is opened, it will fire as if shot by a fourth level fighter.

6J CLOSET. When this door is opened, it will reveal a glass wall. Behind the glass is water and dozens of small colorful fish are swimming about.

Sunday, August 2, 2015


5 SHRINE OF THE MAIDEN. The statue in the northeast alcove is a beautiful woman. Her shrine is always decorated with cut roses in full fragrant bloom. Any male viewing the statue must save vs spells of surrender 100 gold crescents worth of treasure to the idol, placing it at her feet. If they do not have this amount of treasure, they will be under a geas to retrieve it and leave it for the statue. When placed before the statue the offering will disappear and the donor will be blessed (as the cleric spell) for one full day. Those making their save but leaving an appropriate offering will be similarly blessed.

It is possible for women to also leave offerings, even though they will not be compelled to do so. If a woman leaves an offering of at least 100 gold crescent value they will gain an additional 2 hit points, permanently.

Any treasure gifted to the shrine will have disappeared when the room is re-entered at a later date. Benefits given by the statue only work once per adventurer per lifetime.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


4 STAIRS. The stairs lead from Room 37 of the Ground Floor of the Inner Ward to Room 1 on Level 2 of the Upper Dungeons.