Saturday, September 30, 2017


33C PIANO ROOM. As this room is entered, the characters will hear piano music coming from the grand piano located in the room. The music is not audible outside the room, so some characters may stand outside the room and hear nothing while others stand just inside the room and hear the music.

The music is cheerful at first, slowly becoming more somber until at the end it is absolutely discordant with jarring violent notes before going suddenly quiet.

If the piano is closely inspected, the piano keys will start oozing blood. After about a minute the blood will coalesce into an ill-defined humanoid figure.

The Blood Man, Restless Dead (AC 4; MV 9”; HD 6; hp 34; #AT 1; D 1d8; SA Choking; SD Limited spell immunity, regeneration; XP 704)

The Blood Man is immune to spells which affect undead. He attacks by forcing his hand into the throat of a victim, causing 1d8 choking damage each round. After making his first "to hit" roll he will not need to roll to hit again until either he is destroyed or his opponent is killed. The Blood Man regenerates 2 hit points per round as long as he is within a foot of the piano, as the oozing blood replenishes his form.

Within the piano is a desiccated corpse, totally drained of blood. It appears to be the body of a young nobleman. His long blond wavy hair is decorated with 6 golden ringlets (100 gold crescents each) and his earrings are gold (50 gold crescents each). His belt buckle is gold (150 gold crescents) and decorated with the name 'Hugo' but it is bad luck, anyone who possesses it makes saving throws at -1.

Friday, September 29, 2017


33B GREAT HALL. This room is dominated by a grand staircase flanked by two statues. The ceiling is about thirty feet. As the room is first entered, the characters will hear a scream and a thump (as of a body falling) coming from the upstairs.

The statue on the left at the foot of the stairs is a white marble statue of a beautiful young man. The statue on the right is made of some black rough rock and is of a older man with a pitchfork, cloven hooves, a goatee, and horns.

The first time the stairs are used, the white statue will animate for the last person in the marching order (or the person on the left in the last row). It will turn to face them and say "You're in for a frightfully good time", then chuckle mockingly. It will then revert to a normal statue and cannot be coaxed into reanimating.

Thursday, September 28, 2017


33A ENTRANCE HALL. Upon entering this hall, the party will be greeted by an obsequious though transparent, servant. This is Oldroyd, the butler of Hollow House. He is about seven feet tall, very thin and has no color to him, only shades of grey. He is dressed impeccably.

He will offer to take the parties hats and coats, but if anyone actually hands him anything, the item will fall through his semi-corporeal hands and to the floor. Apologizing profusely, he will attempt to pick up the item, having great difficulty as he tries to make his hands solid enough to grasp things. He will hang items on a wall peg, avoiding the coat closet. He will not engage the party in combat, even if they attempt to fight him.

Oldroyd, Restless Dead (AC 0; MV 9”; HD 10; hp 48; #AT 0; D Nil; SD Limited spell immunity; XP -)

The thing is that Oldroyd doesn't realize he is dead. He exists only when a person enters the room, so he doesn't experience time the way that mortals do. He is immune to spells that target the mind, such as sleep, charm, and hold. He will not leave the room.

If anyone tries to open the coat closet door, Oldroyd will become agitated, though he doesn't know why. If the door is opened, Oldroyd's physical and very dead body will fall out of it, with a jewelled silver dagger (800 gold crescents value) sticking out of his back. He has been dead for some years and the body is a dried husk, though the features are clearly those of Oldroyd.

Should Oldroyd see his body, as seems inevitable if the door is opened, he will turn white (as a ghost). As he comes to the realization that he has died, he will start to slowly implode, first his face crumpling in, then a black void appearing in his head and his body being sucked into it. He has gone to his rest.

The furniture is antique and rather brittle. Tattered tapestries show the Triskelion coat of arms and the coat of arms of Hollow House, a dancing skeleton on a red field. Nothing else of value is in the room.
e of value is in the room.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


33 HOLLOW HOUSE. As the party approaches this two-story grim looking mansion, the weather turns rainy and the sky becomes dark as night, even if the rest of the Grounds is in bright sunshine or under the weather changing influence of the tower at Area 14.

The manor was obviously rich and well-cared for at some point, but has fallen into ruin, the breeding place of vermin and rest of crows and bats. The front entrance is reached by a rotting porch. A sign hangs here, labeling the place as “Hollow House”. There is also a back entrance, and on the side, cellar doors.

This place is the home of a branch of the Triskelion family, they are deceased but many of them are not aware of that fact. Adventurers may look through the many grimy windows about the house. If they do, describe the rooms as though inhabitants and lighting do not exist. In other words, only those inside the house can perceive the residents and their activities. For their part, the undead will ignore voyeurs.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


32 FOUNTAINS OF LOVE AND FORGETFULNESS. Two fountains grace this dell. The west fountain is decorated with marble sculptures of muscular men and beautiful women caressing each other. The east fountain is rather plain.

Drinking from the west fountain causes effects as a philter of love. Drinking from the east fountain causes the drinker to forget the last 24 hours, including any spells memorized in that time.

Monday, September 25, 2017


31Z TELEPORTATION ROOM. Wiggling up the tubes from 31B leads to this room, about thirty feet up. Against the south wall is a small passage that leads to the top of the structure. On the wall next to the passage is a metal box with a horizontal slit in it.

Placing a data card from Room 31W in the slit will allow a person to teleport without error. The site that the person is teleported to will match the data on the card, corresponding to the address of a child who has lost a tooth. If the tooth has been replaced with a silver coin, the teleportation device will return the person to this location.

The top of the tooth tower is shaped like the top of a molar.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


31Y TOOTH VAULT. This large chamber has a ceiling height of about twenty feet, but beyond the ledge the depth of the chamber is at least fifty feet (the gray area). Millions of children's teeth fill the floor of the vault and falling in would result in 4d6 damage (the teeth break the fall a bit) and conceivably drowning damage. Suspended from an iron chain is a spherical cage holding a giant white mouse.

The mouse is Topolino, the spirit that gives silver coins in return for children's teeth.

Topolino (AC 5; MV 12”; HD 7; hp 34; #AT 1 bite; D 1-10; SA Spell-like abilities; XP 847)

Topolino can perform the following magical abilities: shrink to normal mouse size and back, cough up a silver spanner (when he takes a tooth from a child's pillow only), assume gaseous form, and forget. He has the class abilities of a 20th level human thief. Topolino is neutral good in alignment, gentle and non-violent. His cage (made from magicked silver and worth 10000 gold crescents) negates his special abilities.

If freed, Topolino will grant a boon to the adventurers. They may ask of him anything that is in his power and he will try to help. What this entails and how this play out is left to the discretion of the Dungeon Master.

Saturday, September 23, 2017


31X FANG FAIRY. This is the Fang Fairy's office and it is decorated in tooth and mouth-related paintings, sculptures, and bric-a-brac, all of which is garish and worthless. The Fang Fairy sits behind a large desk. Two of her underlings sit at smaller desks in front of her. If not immediately attacked, the assistants Hitchard and Gred will inquire if the adventurers have an appointment while the Fang Fairy pretends to be engrossed in paperwork, studiously ignoring the interruption. All three are rude and self-important, although Hitchard and Gred are properly deferential to their msitress.

The Fang Fairy (AC 5; MV 9”/18”; HD 6; hp 28; #AT 1; D Dagger; SA Gaze turns to dental enamel, wand of magic missiles; XP 893)

The Fang Fairy wears a white mask that mimics the face of a beautiful woman, but it comes off as creepy. She has insect like wings and a wand of magic missiles (70 charges, command word “Brat a tat”). Her voice is sickly sweet and she calls people by spurious nicknames like “Widdlebottoms” and “Flopsy-Lopsy”. She tricked Toplino (see Room 31Y) into captivity and took over his job of taking teeth from children, although she doesn't give coins to the children like Topolino did, and she eats the teeth instead of storing them.

She prefers to fight from afar using her wand, but if given a real fight, she will remove her mask, revealing a snarling face that would show great pulchritude if it was not always twisted into a sneer . She has the ability to petrify, as a medusa, but those she petrifies turn into dental enamel instead of stone.

Her two assistants are two evil dentists that worked for Toplino, but that she seduced to her side with the promise of riches and power. Due to the supernatural corrupting influence of the Fang Fairy, each now has the head of an animal. Each carries 3d20 gold crescents and 4d20 silver spanners.

Hitchard and Gred (AC 8; MV 12”; HD 3; hp 14, 15; #AT 1; D Long sword; SA See below; XP 92, 95)

Hitchard has the head of an overweight balding cat. Once per round, he can spit out a kitten, aimed at a character's face. If Hitchard hits an opponent, the character must save vs petrification or the kitten will steal the victim's tongue (this is painless due to magic) and start playing with it.

Gred has the warty head of a gray bullfrog. Once per round he can spit out a fat gray frog, aimed at a character 's face. If Gred hits an opponent, the character must save vs petrification or the frog will lodge in their throat, causing one point of damage each round, until the character spends an entire round inducing vomiting.

If Hitchard and Gred are defeated their kittens and frogs will turn into normal creatures. Tongues can be reattached without special magic.

Behind her desk, the Fang Fairy keeps her paychest for the molar bears. It currently holds
3206 silver spanners. Her dagger is made of a narwhal horn and worth 300 gold crescents. Her mask is made of silver and rare ivory and worth 3000 gold crescents.

Friday, September 22, 2017


31W PROGNOSTICATION OFFICE. This room is well lit by numerous continual light globes suspended from the twenty foot ceiling. The room is divided into dozens of miniature office cubicles staffed by half sized gnomes.

38 Half Sized Gnomes (AC 8; MV 6”; HD 1-4 hit points; hp 2 each; #AT 1; D Tiny metal letter opener for 1 point of damage; XP 7 each)

The tiny (1 to 1½ foot tall) gnomes were originally employees of Topolino the Mouse-Tooth-Spirit who have been forced to work for the Fang Fairy after her hostile takeover. They are all middle-aged or older, granny and sad uncle types, fond of complaining and arguing but good at their jobs. Their duty is to predict when children will lose their deciduous teeth and to discern where they are. They use various wooden abacuses, pendulum reading, spirit board reading, and tasseography to predict these events. They then write reports for each day indicating which children will lose their teeth and where they live.

Each cubicle holds pens, paper, tea cups, and other common office implements. Each gnome will have 1d10 silver spanners. They have a water cooler, a snack table, and a hot water faucet for making tea.

The gnomes are dissatisfied with the current arrangement and want to see Topolino restored his old position. They will not, however, place themselves at physical risk to do so.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Map for Area 31 of THE GROUNDS available.

Took a while to get this one done, thanks for your patience.

Here it is, or check the link to the right.


31V LONELY DENTIST. An very old man named Jeem lives here. He is a follower of Topolino the Mouse-Tooth-Spirit and desperately wants him to be freed from the clutches of the Fang Fairy. If the adventurers are kind to him, he will present them with a small but intricate silver star (worth 25 gold crescents) that he has hidden behind his left false eye.

Jeem the Dentist (AC 8; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9; #AT 1; D Dental instrument for 1 point of damage; XP 38)

Jeem wears a long white lab coat, platform shoes, and bright green gloves. His hair is white and unruly. He is an expert in dental related diseases and can cure them almost as magic. Jeem can operate the chair in Room 31T without causing damage.

The room is furnished as a bedroom. The furnishings are modest but tidy.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


31U ART APPRECIATION ROOM. The walls are decorated with murals of teeth of many different species. A table holds a glass case that reads “Break in case of emergency”. It holds a scepter made of an iron rod with a gold apple on the tip (value 150 gold crescents).

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


31T EXAMINATION ROOM. The floor is tiled and a tan leather reclining chair is in the center of the room. If a person sits in the chair, they will notice two buttons on the right arm rest.

The nearer button will recline the chair precipitously, slamming the head of the adventurer to the ground for 1d3 damage unless a saving throw is made at -4 vs petrification.

The farther button will cause the chair and the adjacent floor in a five foot radius circle to sink into the ground at a breakneck pace, slamming to a stop about thirty feet down, causing 1d4 damage to passengers and 1d6 damage to anyone else who may have been standing too close. The chair will remain in this position for one hour, before rising to its original position at a more moderate speed.

Those who have made this ride will find themselves in a 20 foot square room with a large table. On the table are the following:

A set of dentures: These are wisdom teeth, any person who substitutes these for their natural teeth will gain +2 to their wisdom as long as they retain them.

A cup shaped like a giant tooth: This is the sweet tooth. Any beverage placed within will taste astonishingly sugary. Any poisons placed within will be purified, but magic liquids such as holy water or potions will be rendered inert.

A bowl shaped like a rooster's head: This holds five hen's teeth, which look like snake's teeth and are magical. If used as a spell component a tooth will be destroyed but double one effect of the spell (such as damage or duration) as chosen by the spell caster. If planted in the ground and watered, the hen's tooth will grow one of the following:

Creature or item
Second level human fighter
Giant chicken
A potion of avian control
1d4 hen's teeth

Creatures will spring to life fully mature in one round.

Cockatrices will behave as typical for their ilk.

Giant chickens have the statistics of an axe beak. They will serve for one hour or the duration of one combat encounter. After that they will wander off.

Fighters will be neutral, wearing chain armor, and have a shield with the design of yellow rooster rampant on a field of red. They will serve for a combat encounter. After that, they may be taken as retainers, but will always have half normal morale.

The potion of avian control will be bottled in a crystal decanter with a glass stopper (decanter value 50 gold crescents).

Monday, September 18, 2017


31S CAVITY CRITTERS. This room holds four foul smelling green rotund humanoids. They are unreasonable. When they see the adventurers they will attack, chanting “We make holes in YOU!”

4 Cavity Critters (AC 4; MV 9”; HD 3+2; hp 16 each; #AT 1 punch; D 2-12 + 1d10 acid damage; XP 189 each)

The cavity critters touch is corrosive and if a character is reduced to 0 hit points through their attacks, then the wearer's armor, robes, or other clothing must make a saving throw vs acid or be destroyed.

The critters are paid regularly by the fang fairy, but their corrosive touch destroys their treasure. As such, the room holds only tables and chairs made from stone. They have a supply of food in the form of teeth provided by the fairy.

Sunday, September 17, 2017


31R MOLAR BEAR DORMITORY. Eight molar bears are here. Each carries 4d20 silver pieces in their satchel.

8 Molar Bears (AC 5; MV 9”; HD 3; hp 14 each; #AT 1; D Spear +1 due to strength; XP 77 each)

The molar bears are off-duty and will not want to fight, although they will enjoy contests with adventurers, their favorite being wrestling. They also have a bean-bag toss game that they enjoy as a past time. The bears sleep on large rugs.

The two smaller rooms are a kitchen and a toilet. The kitchen holds food stores (mostly seal and whale, fruit preserves, and honey) sufficient to last the bears for about three months. The kitchen has running water.

Saturday, September 16, 2017


31Q MOLAR BEAR OUTPOST. Two large molar bears are here. They are peckish because their relief is late and they haven't eaten. This has made them have bad attitudes. If they are to be bribed, each will demand at least 200 silver spanners. However, they will accept twice that number of coins in gold, grudgingly. One has a silver horn (300 gold crescent value) which he will blow to alert the molar bears in Room 31R, should adventurers attack or refuse to pay a bribe.

2 Molar Bears (AC 5; MV 9”; HD 5; hp 22 each; #AT 1; D Battle axe +3 due to strength; XP 282 each)

In their satchels each has 10d20 silver pieces.

Friday, September 15, 2017


31P ACID CANAL. This room is made of stone blocks – quite different from the rest of the area – and a canal of clear fizzing liquid runs down the center of the room, between the two exits. The ceiling height is twenty feet.

The canal is composed of deadly acid. Any person who falls or leaps in will die (no saving throw). Putting a limb or other body part in to test the liquid will cause 1d4+1 damage. Adjust this up if more of the body is so exposed. Equipment, including weapons, which are dipped in to the canal must make an appropriate saving throw or be damaged or even destroyed entirely. The acid may be placed in a container and used as a weapon, but it will eat through wood in 1 round, metal in 1 turn, and stone in 6 turns.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


I have made a few new monsters (molar bears, curseback trolls, spittleback fish). I'm going to try to make some illustrations for them and blog them out when I get that done. Until then, thanks for your patience!


31O ROOM OF THE CROWN. The pillars in this room are marble and decorated in relief with mouthparts, especially teeth. A throne sits at one end of the room, a purple cushion upon it supporting a white crown made of some metallic alloy.

This crown is cursed, any person who places it upon their head must make a saving throw vs spells at -8 or their jaw, mouth, teeth, and tongue will triple in size. This may make wearing a great helm impossible and will lower charisma by 4. On the other hand, the person will now a have a bite attack for 1 point of damage.

The curse can be removed by a remove curse spell if the spellcaster is at least ninth level.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


31N KARIUS AND BACTUS. This cave has the same pink walls as the surrounding tubes. Two curseback trolls lair here. These bizarre trolls suffer from deformities and grotesque distortions of their features and bone structure.

Karius (AC 5; MV 6”; HD 5+5; hp 31; #AT 1 claw and 1 bite; D 4-7/1-10; SD Regenerate (2 hp per round); MR 15%; XP 536)

Bactus (AC 5; MV 6”; HD 5+5; hp 27; #AT 2 claws and 1 bite; D 4-7/4-7/1-10; SA Stinking cloud; SD Regenerate (2 hp per round); MR 15%; XP 587)

One of Karius's arms is deformed and completely useless. Bactus has such horrid breath that he may breathe the equivalent of a stinking cloud spell once per encounter.

Among the foul rags and bones of their nest are 1324 gold crescents in a rotten leather bag and a short sword +2 in a special red lacquer scabbard that is itself magic and has the power to heal 1d4 hit points a day to its owner.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


31M FORGOTTEN CAVERN. This walls, ceiling and floor of this cavern are sparkling minerals. A fossilized sea mammoth skeleton (a mammoth with the backside of a whale) is here, the ivory tusks worth 4000 gold crescents total.

Monday, September 11, 2017


31L THE TUBES. These winding corridors are not made of firm white calcified material like the rest of the area, instead they are lined by soft squidgy pink walls, floors, and ceilings. Small holes(up to nine inches in diameter, are in the walls, and fat pink worms are constantly moving in and out. These are delicious raw or cooked.

The tubes are patrolled by a grotesque hairless overgrown giant star-nosed mole. There is a 5% chance of encountering it each round, cumulative.

Giant Mole (AC 7; MV 3”(8”); HD 4+2; hp 24; #AT 1 bite; D 1-10; SA Paralysis; XP 285)

Sunday, September 10, 2017


31K MOLAR BEAR LOUNGE. Three molar bears are off-duty and relaxing here. If bribed, they will demand at least twice as much as the molar bears in Room 31E because they are bigger and haughty.

3 Molar Bears (AC 5; MV 9”; HD 4; hp 18 each; #AT 1; D Battle axe +2 due to strength; XP 132 each)

In their satchels each has 6d20 silver pieces. The room is furnished as a work-area lounge, with tables, chairs, a sink, etc. The trash can is made of ivory with a silver lid and worth 800 gold crescents.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


31J CAVERN OF THE FALLING TEETH. Sixteen tooth-shaped piercers are attached to the thirty foot ceiling of cave.

Piercer (AC 3; MV 1”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 1 drop; D 2-12; SA 95% likely to surprise; XP 38 each)

The piercers are made docile by whistling, a trick known to all of the locals.

Friday, September 8, 2017


31I WHIRLPOOL. Any person who gets sucked up into this whirlpool will find themselves on the beach at Room 23 on Dungeon Level 10, with one hit point, no clothes or equipment, no memory, and fantastic dental hygiene.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


31H BRIDGE OF FLOSS. This twenty foot gap over the canal is spanned by a bridge made from fine white fibers.

The spittleback fish will attempt to jump out of the water and knock over those crossing the bridge. 1d4+1 attempts will be made on random targets in a normal crossing. If a spittleback fish succeeds on a “to hit” roll, then the character must make a saving throw vs petrification or be knocked into the canal. Any characters subsequently paralyzed by spittleback fish will be sucked into the whirlpool at 31I instead of drowned.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


31G WINDING CORRIDOR. As either metal door that is used to enter this corridor is opened, a “whooshing” sound will be heard. Once the door closes again, the corridor will begin to fill with laughing gas. In the second round, characters must save vs poison or begin laughing uncontrollably. In the third round, they must save vs poison or fall unconscious.

The “whooshing” sound is caused by the evacuation of the gas when either door is opened, replaced with normal air. Unconsciousness from the gas will last for 1d4+1 turns after the character is returned to a normal atmosphere.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


31F SNACK MACHINE. This room holds an upright metal rectangle with a glass front. Inside a several treats available for sale.

Peanut Butter Cookie
1 silver spanners
Egg Salad Sandwich
2 silver spanners
Grape Lollipop
1 silver spanner
Cherry Carbonated Beverage
2 silver spanners

Of course, it is also possible to merely smash the glass and take the stuff.

Monday, September 4, 2017


31E MOLAR BEAR OUTPOST. Four molar bears are on guard here.

4 Molar Bears (AC 5; MV 9”; HD 3; hp 14 each; #AT 1; D Spear +1 due to strength; XP 77 each)

Molar bears look like seven foot tall humanoids with a white furred bear head and a mouth full of molars. The molar bears will not let anyone pass unless they use the password “Open wide” or unless they are bribed. They love silver and each will have 4d20 silver pieces in an elaborately decorated leather satchel.

Sunday, September 3, 2017


31D ROOT CANAL. The passage opens to run side by side with a river of white foamy water with a minty scent. It is twenty feet deep and runs south. It is populated by spittleback fish.

Spittleback Fish ((AC 6; MV 30”; HD 2; #AT 1 bite; D 2-8; SA Paralyzing spines; Size S; XP 28 +2/hp)

Any person swimming in the root canal has a 50% chance per round of being attacked by a fish. Each fish is about the size of a large dog and attacks by flipping around and using its paralyzing back spines (save or paralysis for 1d4 turns). They wait for their prey to drown and then they eat what fall to the bottom.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


31C IN THE ROOT. This chamber is thirty feet below Room 31B. The walls, floor, and ceiling are pink and soft. There are dozens of yellow cables lying about, with their ends going in to the walls. These are giant nerves and give off a mild shock if touched. If cut by a metal weapon, they will conduct 1d6 of electrical damage.

Friday, September 1, 2017


31B PULP FRICTION. This chamber holds six fleshy pink tubes extending from floor to ceiling. Each tube has a disturbingly organic-looking entrance/orifice and they may be used to ascend or descend. Entering the tube requires but a moment. The adventurer may then wriggle up or down with ease.

Going down leads to Room 31C. Going up leads to Room 31Z.