WATER HAZARD. This course has a river running through it. A handy
rope bridge spans the river but a giant octopus lurks below, waiting
to pick off bridge travelers.
Octopus (AC 7; MV 3”//12”; HD 8; hp 32; #AT 6 tentacles and 1
beak; D 1-4 (X 6)/2-12; SA Constriction;
SD Ink in retreat; XP 870)
octopus cannot attack with its beak unless its prey is in the water
with it. In addition to the 32 hit points of the octopus, each
tentacle can take 8 hit points before being severed. If three of its
tentacles are severed, there is a 90% chance the octopus will
retreat, blowing black ink to cover itself. However, if the giant
octopus is killed it will vaporize into a cloud of black smoke and a
gold talisman with the icon of an octopus will appear at the end of
the bridge. The talisman is worth 900 gold crescents and any person
who holds it will have a +2 bonus on to hit and damage against
teleporter leads to 25T.
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