MASSIVE CHASM. The stairs in the corridor go down about ten feet.
The corridor terminates rather abruptly in a tremendously large
139 is a ledge overlooking a very deep chasm whose bottom cannot be
seen. A staircase of worked stone leads down to the south. It goes
down about ten feet to Area 14 of Level 3A Salt Mere.
ceiling is twenty to thirty feet above, but there are also huge
stalactites hanging down. The chasm extends to the east for several
hundred feet and it is very dark, so the opposite side will not be
immediately visible. This whole cavern lies under the lake that the
River Aisling runs into (see Outer Ward Ground Level Area 68). The
water dripping through the rock below the lake causes the enormous
Characters will magical visual aid may be able to see the waterfall at Area 154 or the rope bridge which crosses from east to west several hundred feet down at Level 6.
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