HELENS' ROOM. A sign is outside the room reading “Helens' Room”.
The door is a sealed metal hatch. Inside five young woman,
beautiful and looking exactly like each other rest on metal gurneys.
Tubes are implanted in their arms bringing vat media from the walls
into their bloodstreams for nutrition. Each wears a simple white
garment. One gurney sits apart from the others, askew and covered
with old blood. The tubes leading to this gurney slowly leak vat
media onto the floor only to disappear into the central grated drain
in the floor.
women are clones, not magical as per the spell, but actually
genetically identical women. The only problem is that the process
used by the researchers multiplied their genetic information, driving
them insane and freakishly smart and strong. The vat media is full
of sedatives and they will only awake if it is discontinued.
Helens, Neutral Evil Human Clones (AC 6; MV 15”; HD 4; hp 23 each;
#AT 1 fist or 1 weapon; D 1d8 or by weapon type + 5 due to strength;
S 18/99; I 18; W 9; D 18; C 18; CH 18; XP 177 each)
bones and muscles are so strong that a simple strike from their fist
will do 1d8 damage. They are devious and enjoy causing suffering.
They are quite capable of pretending to be victims but their one
weakness is that they can't stand each other.
Keep up the good work.
Groaning Spirit