SHIP OF FOOLS. Six laughing Triskelions are carrying another who is
sitting on a miniature sailing ship, making noises with their mouths
like they are sailing on the sea.
Laughing Triskelions (AC 6
(8); MV 12"; HD 3; hp 14 each; #AT 1; D Long sword X4, short
sword X2, bastard sword X1; SA Berserk, never surprise; XP 77 each)
ship weighs about 1000 gp weight, but is made of silver and gold
fittings as well as wood. It is worth 3000 gold crescents. If the
adventurers can come up with a reason that appeals to the laughing
Triskelions sense of humor, they will gladly give away the boat.
Essentially, they will have to come up with a sufficiently silly
reason why they want it.
Hey, pretty cool encounter. Also I like the science theme you have going on with the rest of the level so far.
Groaning Spirit
Glad you like it. I appreciate the encouragement!