STATUE. This area holds a huge pedestal (about ten foot square by
ten feet high) topped by a bronze statue of Orso Triskelion, the
accomplished druid. The dotted area is a witherweed that has grown
surrounding the pedestal.
(AC 8; MV 0"; HD 4; hp 19; #AT 17 fronds; D Drain 1-4 points of
dexterity; SA Seizure; SD Burning produces toxic smoke; XP 201)
pedestal is hollow and there is a secret door on the south aspect
leading to a small room. Within are four scrolls in wood tubes and a
magic scimitar.
first scroll holds the druid spells barkskin, cure disease,
and protection from fire.
second scroll holds the druid spell fire seeds.
third is a a scroll of protection from all elementals.
fourth scroll is a detailed study of plants of the foxglove family,
and worth up to 500 gold crescents to an established druid or sage
that specializes in flora.
scimitar once belonged to Orso himself and is intelligent:
Neutral scimitar +2 (Intelligence 15, Ego 11)
- Find fresh water within 1 mile
- heal 1/day
- Detect evil/good in a 1” radius
- Ignite once per day for one combat, acting as a flame tongue sword (+3 vs inflammable, cold-using, or avians and +4 vs undead)
- Can speak the common language
- Can speak with animals and plants
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