Wednesday, September 5, 2018


50 CURSED FEAST HALL. A roaring fire is in the fireplace in the west wall and thirty gladiators are dining here, loudly trading stories, making jests, and drinking mead. They are served by a dozen beautiful but very thin serving girls.

6 Hoplomachi (AC 7; MV 12”; F2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; D Spear +1 due to strength; XP 71 each)

6 Murmillones (AC 7; MV 12”; F2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; D Short sword +1 due to strength; XP 71 each)

6 Retiarii (AC 8; MV 12”; F2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; D Trident, net, or dagger +1 due to strength; XP 71 each)

6 Secutores (AC 7; MV 12”; F2; hp 12 each #AT 1; D Short sword +1 due to strength; XP 71 each)

6 Thraces (AC 7; MV 12”; F2; hp 12 each; #AT 1; D Short sword +1 due to strength; XP 71 each)

Each gladiator has 2d10 gold crescents. It would be normal for them to be fighting, as they are enemies, but they have become charmed by the food and drink and are instead enjoying an endless carouse. Trying to force gladiators to leave the feast will cause them to fight. If any adventurers try the food or drink they must make a saving throw vs spells or fall under the same charm as the gladiators. The fire, food, and drink are all magical and will never expire or run out unless the place has been exorcised.

The serving girls are actually skeletons under a powerful illusion. If they are spoken to they will not talk back, only give a large toothy grin.

12 Skeletons (AC 7; MV 12"; HD 1; hp 8 each; #AT 1; D 1-6; SD Sharp weapons score half damage only, limited spell immunity; XP 22 each)

There are ten immense fancy golden plates on the feast tables, each worth 500 gold crescents. The gladiators and skeletons will fight to keep adventurers from taking them.

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