HOUSE OF WAX. This strange museum-like room is decorated by thirteen
wax statues irregularly placed throughout the room. The floor is
purple-stained hard wood, and footsteps echo eerily. Torchlight will
cause the wax figures to glisten and make the eyes seem to move.

2: This waxwork is a smiling woman wearing a red gown and black
pointy witch hat. She has a black-bristled broom as well.
3: This stylish waxwork woman wears a white evening gown. Her
gold earrings are worth 40 gold crescents each.
4: This is a wax golem which resembles a man in a yellow tunic
holding a horseman's flail. His face looks like the angry
Triskelion. His phrygian style cap is made of gold and worth 290
gold crescents.
Golem (AC 10; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 15; #AT 1; D Horseman's flail; SD
Limited spell immunity; XP 145)
5: This odd looking waxwork man has purple skin, small antennae,
and wears a green toga.
6: This a very realistic waxwork troll.
7: This femme fatale wax golem has small bat wings. She is
dressed in a purple jumpsuit. Her dagger of venom
carries the standard 6 doses.
Golem (AC 10; MV 12”; HD 5; hp 20; #AT 1; D Dagger of venom;
SD Limited spell immunity; XP 230)
8: This waxwork man has only a blank space where the face should
be. He wears leather armor decorated in zebra-like bands of lime
green and electric blue. In his left hand is a scroll with the
magic-user spell write.
9: The waxwork appears
to have been defaced – literally! The jaw appears to have been
ripped clean off, perhaps by vandals. He wears a white smock
splattered with red paint and carries a butcher's cleaver.
10: This waxwork is a caricature of a vampire, with classic
high-collared cape and formal evening wear.
11: A wax golem with the appearance of a clown, complete with
rainbow wig and white face paint. Unarmed, it strikes with its
Golem (AC 10; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 15; #AT 1; D 1-8; SD Limited spell
immunity; XP 145)
12: This wax golem has the appearance of a blond woman. She
wears long black judge's robes and carries a hamer slightly altered
to resemble a gavel.
Golem (AC 10; MV 12”; HD 4; hp 15; #AT 1; D Hammer; SD Limited
spell immunity; XP 145)
13: Bugbear waxwork figure. It wears all white leather armor
and carries a silver chalice (35 gold crescent value)
wax golems are instructed to attack as a group if touched or targeted
by missile weapons or ranged spells. The other figures described as
'waxwork' are not animated.