GREAT STATUE. This huge statue looks something like a sitting
frog-like creature carved from black stone. It is twenty feet high
and the crown of the head is protected by a short wall. Four
froglodytes wait on the head.
Froglodytes (AC 5; MV 12”//15”; HD 3+2; hp 11, 19, 22, 14; #AT 2
claws and 1 bite or 1 weapon; D 1-3/1-3/1-6 or by weapon +1 to damage
due to strength; SA Steam breath for 2d6; XP 169, 201, 213, 181)
froglodytes have a supply of 40 javelins, which they will hurl at
attackers. Along with the froglodytes, there is a huge rotating red
beacon, looking a bit like a bullseye lantern and serving the same
purpose as a lighthouse. This device is magical in nature, works by
itself, and will continue on forever unless stopped by a wish,
similar god level magic, or a dispel magic cast by a
spellcaster of at least 18th level. The regular denizens of the Salt
Mere have learned to use this beacon to unerringly find their way
statue faces the east, and a built in ladder reaches up about twelve
feet to the froglike mouth. At the back of the throat, there is a
metal door to Room 86A. This door is rusty and creaks, so the
froglodyte in Room 86A will not be surprised if this entrance is used
in the conventional fashion.
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